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Use Church Center as a guest

You may want to check out a church before creating a profile in Church Center. Guest mode makes it easy to browse the information that a church has made public on Church Center without logging in first.

What can I view as a guest?

In guest mode, you can view:

  • The church's calendar

  • Sermons

  • A list of groups and their public details

  • A list of signups 

  • Other public pages and forms

Once you select any item that requires a login, such as requesting to join a group or checking in, you'll be prompted to log in to create one. 

Use guest mode

To use guest mode:

  1. Search for a church using the Church Center mobile app.

  2. Tap Continue as guest.


Log in to a church

Once you've explored the church as a guest and decided it's the one for you, select the profile icon in the top right and tap Log in to create a login.


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