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Add and manage resources

Resources are the items you need to share with your group, from study guides and short videos to group photos and notes. Use Church Center to add resources to the groups you lead!

Supported file types and sizes

The types of files that you can add to a group include:

  • PDFs

  • Microsoft Word documents

  • Text files

  • Small audio files

  • Small image files

  • Small videos (50Mb or less)

The maximum allowed file size is 50Mb. For larger files, we recommend that you upload the file to a separate hosting platform and create a private link to the file that you can share from the Resources page.

  • You can host larger media files on a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3.

  • Large video files can be posted on a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo.

Add resources

You can add resources on your group's Resources tab.

Depending on the resource's access level, the appropriate leaders and members are notified when a new resource is added in Church Center. 


Members can manage whether these notifications only occur in the mobile app or are also pushed to their phones by updating their notification preferences.

Manage resources

You may need to update a resource or change access to it. Select a resource to manage it.

View and sort resources

All of your group's resources are listed on the Resources tab.

  • The icon next to a resource shows what type of resource it is (image, PDF, link, etc.) at a glance!

  • Some resources are labeled to differentiate access.

    • Shared resources are accessible across multiple groups or group types but can only be managed by administrators.

    • Leader only resources can only be accessed by that group's leaders.

You can sort resources by Name (alphabetically) or Last Updated (date).

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