Whether it's a weekly meeting, an annual celebration, or an in-person or virtual gathering, events allow your groups to connect, and that's what it's all about! As a leader, you can organize, edit, and share events for your group, including managing past event attendance and tracking RSVPs for upcoming events.
Members can subscribe to the group calendar to add these events to their calendars!
Go to the Events tab of your group page.
Create a new event with the name, dates/times, frequency, location, and description.
Add your group's events to your personal calendar.
Google Calendar refreshes sporadically, between 2 hours to 5 days.
If the event is in the past, you can view or edit notes and update the location, description, or attendance, but you cannot edit the date and time.
Go to a specific event to make changes or share it.
If you want to share the event with your church administrators so they can add it to the church calendar, ask them to send you an event request form!